Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What Would It Take to Replace the Pay Working-Class Americans Have Lost?

This NY Times piece discusses an increase in EITC benefits and whether it help the imbalance of wealth in America. The piece is particularly interesting because it discusses not only the economics of what this would mean but also the politics of the situation.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

As Soda Taxes Gain Wider Acceptance, Your Bottle May Be Next

This article from the NY Times on Sunday discusses the potential for a soda tax to spread to more cities in the US. It talks specifically about Philadelphia and how the tax money raised was earmarked for universal pre-K as we have discussed in class.  It also touches on whether the soda tax is in fact regressive or not.  Overall really interesting  piece with direct relevance to what we have been learning.


By picking Tom Price to lead HHS, Trump shows he’s absolutely serious about dismantling Obamacare

This article goes through the incoming head of HHS, Tom price's detailed plan to dismantle Obamacare.  Notably, but not limited to, allowing for tax credits based solely on age, not income and allowing insurance companies to ramp up rates for people who have a lapse in their coverage,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trump Tax Plan Could Impact 2016 Year-End Planning

This article from Forbes lays out five key aspects of Trump's tax plan (as much as it can be called one) that may affect people's end of year financial planning. It notes; individual rat cuts, business tax cuts, overseas profits, top earners vs. bottom ones and elimination of the so-called Death Tax.  All of these have controversial aspects if not outright controversial in and of themselves. We should be keeping a close eye on who Trump appoints and his first 100 days to see how this begins to play out.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How this election will affect your state taxes

With so much of the focus on the national election this article interestingly focuses on the effect of elections on state taxes, with a focus on five state level tax issues that will be voted on.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

Trump is so beyond the pale in almost every way and this whole situation with his taxes, while unlikely to outpace Hillary's emails in the news, continues to grow more and more fascinating.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Bursting the Limits to Growth

I believe it is important and helpful to understanding issues to look at them from perspectives that may not be your own.  In that tradition here is a short op-ed from the Washington Times claiming that tax cuts will stimulate the economy by leading to job growth.  It discusses how tax models do not take into account human factor and motivation which may be partially true.  However the piece is short on specifics and mostly seems based on tired rhetoric.  Either way, worth a brief read.
